
A.J. Institute of Dental Sciences

Wednesday 23 November 2011

The health of the people, considered the blessings of the rich and the riches of the poor, is the foundation that supports the edifice of happiness and prosperity of a nation. A.J Institute of Dental Sciences is a brilliant, futuristic Endeavour of the Laxmi Memorial Trust(R); a premier educational organization is a brainchild of educationist & philanthropist Mr. A J Shetty. AJIDS is aimed to provide a global perspective of dental education to achieve the national objective of “Health for All”. Its enduring efforts have put Mangalore on the global map of dental education. The institution nurtures a vision “To establish as a premier institution imparting Dental education that effectively combines high academic exposure, professional outlook and commitment to humanitarian values.
An earnest effort to achieve this noble vision began with the first batch of dental students enrolled in the year 2002. AJIDS shatters all barriers of caste, religion, culture, etc and endeavors to provide quality education to all aspiring students. College is now recognized by dental council of India and ministry of health for hundred each admissions in year. For post graduate dental education in eight different specialties. The institution is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences since inspection
President's Message - Sri. A J Shetty
Our Dental College which began its journey in 2002, has grown over the years as per the guidelines of Medical Council of India. In our endeavour to provide the best of facilities we have put in all our efforts to get necessary feed back from as many a people as possible. The pan to host a website was very much in our mind and an effort was already on. I am indeed happy that it will be reality. I hope apart from the information that needs to be provided as per MCI guidelines, we will be able to reach the parents or guardians of our students more easily and provide them the best of information through the website and keep the parents well informed of the progress of their ward.
Dr. B SureshChandra - Principal, Prof & HOD
I am proud to state that the institution has been recognized since August 2006 with the first batch of interns passing out. The year was also hetic with the university formalities and apex body inspections completed successfully.
I am happy that the students have performed considerably well academically bagging many university ranks even though ours is the youngest institution in the state. The institution has grown in leaps and bounds over the last 5 years. I am grateful to our Managing Director and President, Mr.A.J. Shetty and Vice-president and Director Mr.Prashanth Shetty for all the co-operation and interest in making this institution globally recognizable.
Department of Community Dentistry
Students are introduced to this Department in IIIrd Year of B.D.S Curriculum. The Department deals with overall comprehensive treatment of the patient and emphasis is laid on the ethical and moral conduct of the student towards the patient and community.
The Department imparts dental health education to the community and conducts free Dental check-up and Treatment camps periodically.
The Department comprises of three full fledged rural centers in Kavoor, Shakthinagar and Perara and is managed by Staff and Interns of the college. Where all types of dental treatments are rendered to the Community.
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Conservative Dentistry normally concentrates on the restorative requirements that are necessary to deal with the destructive sequelae of dental caries tooth surface loss and trauma. Endodontics involves the treatment of infections of the pulp space and periradicular tissues that are also usually the result of invasion of micro organisms following loss of integrity of the teeth.
Endodontics is probably one of the most satisfying clinical disciplines within dentistry. It combines inquisitive and practical skills, which if clinically applied usually lead to predictable clinical outcomes.
Living in a consumer driven society, members of the dental profession are becoming aware of the pressures now being placed upon them to perform to high standards. There has been an increase in the awareness of the benefits of dental care and expectations of patients have reached new heights. Today the profession especially restorative dentistry is expected to provide a quality service and remain current in all aspects of clinical performance; to this end it needs to conform to the objectives of evidence based best practice in order to practice the interests of modern oral health care procedures. In this speciality area of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics all procedures leading to conservation of the tooth structure is carried out. In day to day practice more than 60 – 70% patients walking into our clinics demand restorative care.
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology
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Department of Oral Pathology & Dental Anatomy
Pupils are introduced to this department in 3rd year of BDS. It deals with Pathology of oral & Para-oral structures but also with the basic science of dental anatomy which lays down the foundation of dentistry by making the students familiar with the tooth morphology as well as histology in 2nd year of BDS.
This Subject represents the confluence of the basic sciences & clinical dentistry. All through their training in this specialty the undergraduates are guided such that they develop a meticulous approach towards identification of disease entity & have a sound knowledge of its histopathology. This will help them in better understanidng of various diseases, their course of progress & prognosis, which in turn will prove to be beneficial for the patients by providing both an early intervention with better therapeutics & preventions.
For an interesting & comprehensive journey this subject of dentistry the department boasts of an abounding library with outstanding collection of books & atlases, museums with admirable collection of mounted tissue specimens, anomalous tooth samples, OHP diagrams, models & explicatory charts.
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is one the important branches of dentistry. It deals with exodontias, surgical management of pathologies, infection in maxillofacial region & developmental deformities like cleft lip & palate.
We also deals with Cosmetic surgeries like hard tissue surgeries like,orthognathic surgeries & soft tissue procedure like sacr revision maxillofacial injury, RTA & assaults.
The subject of oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is a clinical & is thoughts in III-BDS and IV-BDS and it also has a three year post graduation course.
Department of Orthodontics
Department of orthodontics undertakes treatment procedures, for all ages. The treatment includes removable, fixed orthodontics & surgical corrections, depending on the case.
We have been teaching under-graduates and post-graduates effectively.
Our first batch student Dr. Dhairya Shah has successfully secured 6th Rank in orthodontics during the exams, conducted in year of 2006-2007 by the RajivGandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore. We have started training Post-graduates since year of 2007-2008.
Department of Pedodontics
All children below 14 years of age and those who are medically/physically challenged requiring dental treatment are treated in the department.
Management of Dental caries :
Preventive Treatment
  1. Oral Prophylaxis
  2. Flouride Application
  3. Pit and Fissure Sealants
  4. Diet Counseling and Oral Hygiene Instructions
Restorative TreatmentRestorations of primary and permanent teeth
  1. Amalgam
  2. Glass ionomer restorations
  3. Temporary restorations
Pulp therapy for primary teeth
  1. Pulp Capping
  2. Pulpotomy
  3. Pulpectomy
Pulp Therapy for permanent teeth
  1. Root canal therapy for permanent teeth
  2. Apexification
  1. Stainless steel crowns for primary and permanent teeth
  2. Cast crowns for permanent teeth
Esthetic composite restorations for primary and permanent teeth, strip crowns.
Management of trauma to primary and permanent dentition.
 Preventive Orthodontics
  1. Removable space maintainers
  2. Fixed space maintainers
 Interceptive Orthodontics
  1. Habit breaking appliance- Fixed and Removable
  2. Space regainers- Fixed and Removable
  3. Correction of developing malocclusion- Fixed and Removable
  4. Appliances with expansion screw
 Myofunctional appliances fixed and removable.
Oral Surgical procedures
  1. Extraction of primary teeth
  2. Extraction of permanent teeth
  3. Extraction of supernumerary teeth
  4. Operculectomy
  5. Frenectomy
  6. Impaction
  7. Cyst Enucleation
  8. Apicectomy
Department of Periodontics
Department of Periodontics aims to encourage the spirit of learning through critical evaluation and inquiry among the students and help them develop in to future leaders in this specialty. Our philosophy is one that derives from critical thinking and analysis of available data. The specialty of Periodontics is constantly changing as new information is available. Exploring all possibilities and encouraging debate with faculty and periodontal literature is our aim and will be important part of our education.
Our program has its foundation of strong clinical experience. In addition to routine periodontal treatment like curettage, flap surgery, regenerative and respective procedures, we also conduct procedures like periodontal plastic procedures, GTR, GBR etc. We have all the infrastructure facilities like instruments, equipments, materials, library, seminar hall sterilization room, post graduate room apart from spacious space available for further expansion. Separate post graduate section with demarcated surgical area and fully working undergraduate section. Most of the dental chairs are electrically operated. Sterilization is given utmost important. Students wear clinical attire and follows strict aseptic measures.
We have state of art medical college facilities and patients to carryout research activities. We have rural centers to feed patients.
Central library has elaborate list of specialty text books and indexed journals. Department library also has number of books to refer.
Treatment Done in Department of Prosthodontics, Crown and Bridge
Department of Prosthodontics undertakes Complete Dentures (CD), Removable Partial Dentures (RPD), Fixed Partial Dentures (Crown & Bridge), Maxillofacial rosthosis Artificial (Replacement of Ear, Nose, Eye etc), Cast Partial Dentures (CPD) Removable Partial with metal frame work & Implants.
*In this department Treatment are done free of cost.
AJ Dental InstituteA.J. Institute of Dental Sciences
Mangalore - 575 004.
Phone: +91 824 222 5533
Fax: +91 824 222 5541
A.J. Institute of Medical SciencesA.J. Institute of Medical Sciences
Mangalore - 575 004.
Phone: +91 824 222 5533
Fax: +91 824 222 5541
A.J. Hospital & Research CentreA.J. Hospital & Research Centre
Mangalore - 575 004.
Phone: +91 824 222 5533
Fax: +91 824 222 5541


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Periodontal Plastic Surgery

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